FusionCharts XT Grid accepts a lot of parameters as FlashVars. These parameters can be passed using configure function (or addVariable function which is deprecated).

Given below is a list and description of all the parameters:

Parameter Name Type Description
showPercentValues Boolean Whether to show the numbers on grid as percentage or actual values
numberItemsPerPage Number Number of data items that you want to display in one particular page. Use this attribute if you want to force your own value. Else, FusionCharts XT calculates the best fit value.
showShadow Boolean Whether to show shadow for color boxes and navigation buttons.
Background Properties
bgColor Color If you want the grid to have a different background color from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
bgAlpha Number If you want the grid to have a different background alpha from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
bgRatio Number If you want the grid to have a different background ratio from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
bgAngle Number If you want the grid to have a different background angle from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
Border Properties
showBorder Boolean Whether to show border for the grid.
borderColor Color If you want the grid to have a different border color from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
borderThickness Number If you want the grid to have a different border thickness from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
borderAlpha Number If you want the grid to have a different border alpha from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
Font Properties
baseFont Font If you want the grid to have a different font face from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
baseFontSize Number If you want the grid to have a different font size from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
baseFontColor Color If you want the grid to have a different font color from chart, use this attribute to specify the same.
Alternate data rows and divider properties
alternateRowBgColor Color Background color of alternate data rows
alternateRowBgAlpha Number Transparency of alternate data rows
listRowDividerThickness Number Thickness of the line separating two data rows
listRowDividerColor Color Color of the line separating two data rows
listRowDividerAlpha Number Alpha of the line separating two data rows.
colorBoxWidth Number Width of the rectangular color box indicating each data item.
colorBoxHeight Number Height of the rectangular color box indicating each data item.
Navigation button properties
navButtonRadius Number Radius (in pixels) of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.
navButtonColor Color Color of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.
navButtonHoverColor Color Hover color of the navigation button(s), which appears when paging is required.
textVerticalPadding Number Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the list row divider line and the text between the lines.
navButtonPadding Number Vertical padding (space in pixels) between the last data item and the navigation buttons. The navigation buttons appear only when paging is required.
colorBoxPadding Number Horizontal distance between the left edge of the grid and the color box (indicating data color).
valueColumnPadding Number Horizontal distance between the data value and the right edge.
nameColumnPadding Number Horizontal distance between the data name and the right edge of color box.